Maternal Serum alpha feto protein as a biochemical marker for neural tube defects (NTD) relation of maternal serum vitamin C, vitamin B6, homocysteine, vitamin B12 & folic acid with NTD

Shatha Raouf Mustafa Al-Ani
Dr.Ghassan Al-Shamma.
Dr.Sahar L. Halabia

NAD is one of tne common, lethal, handicapping, congenital anomalies, iraq is being exposed to prolong nutrional restrications and possibly teratogenic agent under the effect of war and economic sanction wnicn may be a factor in incidence of the NTD. A total of 126 pregnant women were tested for MSAFP at the 15th - 20th week Of gestation and for maternal serum Vit. C, B6, HCY, B12 and folic acid; MSAFP was studies as a biochemical marker for NTD and relation of maternal Serum vit. C, B6 HCY B12 and folic acid with NTD . MSAFP samples were assayed by IRMA-Mat 43 samples were assayed by ELISA & IRMA methods for comparison between there two methods, Vit. C, B6 , HCY, B12 and folic acid were assayed by HPLC technique. from 126 pregnant women enrolled in this study, 4 delivered NTD affected infant. Reference ranges and the best fitting line of MSAFP from 118 control pregnant at 15th-20th week of gestation were obtained. Concentration of maternal serum Vit. C, B6 ,HCY, B12 and folic acid for 118 there was a significant inverse correlation between HCY & folic acid .B12 and there was a passive correlation on between serum B12 and folate. Recurrence rate of those with previous infant with NTD in the studied Iraqi object can be calculated to be 14.3/1000, MSAFP secreening and periceptional vitamins supplementation are recommended.