Hypertension in health cards for chronic non-communicable diseases in Dyala

Muthanna Abdul-Samed Lafta Al-Taha
Dr. Amjad Daud Niazi

This is a retrospective study of the records of hypertensive cases among health cards for chronic non-communicable diseases who are registered in consultant's clinic at Baquba Gereral Hoopital in Dyala in. the period between 1-11-1990 and 31-12-1991. The objective of our study is (as hypertension is the commpnest chronic non_communicable diseases in developed and developing nations and a major risk factor for coronory heart| d sease and cerebrovasculer disease) to have an idea about the size of the problem of hypertension in Dyala from epidemiological point of view so that a well-planned and a comprehensive primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures would be planned and implemented. In our study the total number of recorded cases of cbronic non-communicable diseases were 22481. 11018 of those patients had hypertension, 5 (25.799J had diabetes mellitus 2073 (9.221. had peptic ulcer, 1391 (6.18750 had bronchial asthma, 908, (4.0l4#) had epilepsy, 862 (3.834£) had ischaemic heart disease, and 429 (l.908jO had hypothyrodism. In our study the hypertensive females form 64.885J and the males form 35.115£ of the registered cases. More females patients with diabetes melldtus and hypothyrodism than males while in ischaemic heart disease, peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma and epilepsy males are more , registered than females. Most of the registered hypertensive (64.672J they are between 41-60 years of age and most of them (66. 332jO are from the centre of Dyala governorate (Baquba). In relation of hypertension to other registered diseases, we found that 12.677. of the registered ischaemic heart disease cases and 8.051. of diabetics are hypertensives. Hypertension's epidemiology haa been reviewed and a plan for prevention and treatment of hypertension in Dyala has been recommended.