التحول الديمقراطي في الوطن العربي للبحث في امكانية تداول السلطة سلميا

قاسم علوان سعيد الزبيدي
الدكتور اكرم عبدالله الجميلي

This dissertation has been talking about the described as democratic developments in the Arab world. Authority represents one of the most important issues, which preoccupied the people and groups as one of the entrances to reform and change, and the access and means to achieve the stated justification for the reform and the wars and conflicts between nations, families, and the elites. In light of the dramatic decline of the totalitarian regimes and one-party systems, and falling one after the other and return to the multiparty system after a series of changes in the world since the late eighties of the twentieth century, the Arab political action, at least the ruling did not give great importance to the issue of a genuine democratic transition and serious lead to the peaceful rotation of power is a prime entry point to get out of the state of degradation and acute crisis experienced by the community of Arab States to varying degrees and different forms, described as democratic developments in the Arab world that they are still limited, and it did not exceed the restricted multi-organizational, and a relative relaxation in the conditions of public rights and freedoms , as the mechanism for the circulation of the Authority in accordance with constitutional rules are still lacking, leading to the absence of one of the foundations on which democracy, the political legitimacy that reflect the will of the people through Balhaquemen the consent of the governed in the administration of the practice of sentencing. The shift means that the passage of a democratic political system to change and dealing with large-scale structure of the authoritarian regime and the democratic transformation that could occur as a result the erosion of the authoritarian regime, which stimulates the elite of society to pressure him for the events of this transformation, or the result of the failure of political leadership in achieving Ahaffha and a realization of the importance of the events political reform, or be the result of a compromise reached between the political elites and social action on the steps of transformation. Through the transformation of our Aldemrati and the devolution of power in the Arab world by reaching the following conclusions: --
1 - The events of a genuine democratic transition is a key input for a way out of the deficit and the deterioration experienced by the Arab States in their political, economic and social development. Yet, this transformation can only be through the development of solutions to the obstacles and problems encountered in achieving Dikratip lead to genuine citizens to play a role in the process of making public policy.
2 - The best way to achieve democratization and expansion of the provision is through a gradual transition, peaceful, because of the political situation for long periods, and the spread of a culture of cynicism and focus on the problems and worries of everyday life. 3 - The inability of the political systems of Arab perception of the meaning of true power in the authority of the State as found in the service of society and not the authority of rulers, and therefore can not be a monopoly by the socio-political forces, to face a lot of power on the trading of imbalances due to the breach of legal rules governing such currency Although most Arab constitutions referring to this principle. 4 - Despite making a number of parliamentary elections, but the parliamentary life has not lived up to the Arab influence in the devolution of power, or to become a reference for this circulation. 5 - still the party of life in the Arab world are weak despite the existence of political parties but such parties as the advantage of limited influence and did not have the freedom does not have the necessary conditions for access to power and handling, and this is what led to the emergence of many social ills that must be combated such as sectarianism and tribalism. 6 - to consider the role of external factors to the events of transition to democracy in the Arab world in the context of the implications of the historical experience of the impact of these factors, as the maximum that can be done by this group is to intervene militarily and to the laying of internal conflict or civil war. 7 - The absence of democracy, whether the popular and official levels led to the existence of gross violations of Arab human rights and freedoms, led to the absence of democratic means to resolve conflict and solve problems, with the result that violence and oppression and abuse is the prevailing means. That the cause of democracy and development at the level of Arab political systems, will remain one of the most critical issues that pose the same urgency to the research and academic circles alike. This research has been divided into an introduction and five chapters and a conclusion and findings, as its first chapter a conceptual framework for democratic transformation and the devolution of power has been divided into three talks addressing the topic of the first democratic transition and the second topic dealt with the concept of devolution of power, while the third topic dealt with the relationship between democratization and devolution of power , The reality of the second quarter and the Arab political systems, where the first topic addressed in the constitutions of Arab political systems, and to address the second topic and sources of legitimacy in the Arab political systems, with the third topic was devoted to discuss the means to take power in the Arab political systems, while addressing the topic, and fourth-party systems Arab political. The third chapter, it was on the levels of democratization in the Arab world, in which the first topic was devoted to study the causes of democratization in the Arab world, while the input of the second topic of democratization in the Arab world and the third topic was devoted to study the obstacles to democratization in the Arab world, while the dedicated topic IV to study the output of democratization in the Arab world. Interested in Chapter IV to study the problem of the devolution of power in the Arab political systems, in which the first topic was devoted to study the constraints of constitutional and political structure of Arabic, while the second topic dealt with the weakness of Arab political opposition, and the third topic was devoted to study the problem of Arab civil society. Chapter V addressed the prospects for democratic transformation and the impact on the devolution of power in the Arab world was divided into three scenes of the first topic dealt with the failure of the democratic transformation scene and continuing crisis of governance, addressing the topic in the second scene of the success of the democratic transition and to broaden the base of governance, the third topic dealt with (What's work?) to refer to some of the steps that can be used for access to a genuine democratic transition..