Effect of blood lead level on some biochemical and haematological variables

Zainab Jabber Subber
Dr. Samir M. Jasim
Dr.Estabraq ARK.Al-Wasiti

This study was carried out on 45 male and female workers in the batteries manufacturing factory in Baghdad .These workers were in contact with lead in different parts of the factory .Forty healthy volunteers (matching in age and BMI) were also studied as a control ,workers suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetic mellitus , heart or kidney diseases where excluded from this study. Samples were collected in the period from October 2010 to June 2011 under the supervision of their physician .The analysis of the specimens were carried out in Chemistry and biochemistry department –college of medicine –Al-Nahrain university.Results of the present study showed a significant increase in the concentrations of lead in both, the blood 47.1±17.15 µg/dl and hair 66.5±27.17µg/gm of the exposed workers Results also show that there was an increase in the concentration of δ-ALA 7.9±2.69 µmol/l and the concentration of the marker 8-hydroxydeoxyguansine , 161.8±22.4 ng/ml in urine indicating the presence of a damage in the DNA of the cells. The decrease in the concentration of enzyme ALA-D activity in erythrocytes 45.1±14.5 (mmol/ml of erythrocytes/hr) illustrate the effect of lead on ALA-D activity. Toxic metals increase the production of free radicals and decrease the availability of antioxidant reserves to respond to the resulting damage .Results of the present study show a significant decrease in the concentration of vitamin E, 0.3±0.14 mg/dl as antioxidant . The results show that there was no significant difference in the values of haematological parameters counts in exposed workers and non exposed control. The duration of lead exposure had no serious effect on the above mentioned hematological parameters ,the slight effect or no effect of lead exposure on haematological parameters could be attributed to the discontinuation of lead exposure and the chelation treatment of some of the workers and the adequate diet with supplements of enough iron could improve the haemtological parameters.The linear regression analysis of lead with blood and hair resulted demonstrated a significant positive correlation (r= 0.43, p=0.0043),and a significant positive correlation between blood lead and urinaryδ- aminolevulinic acid( r=0.577,p=0.0003),while there is a significant negative correlation for δ- aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity with blood lead and negative correlation for reduced vitamin E concentration and blood lead for exposed workers r=-0.3868,p=0.0087 ,r=-0.386, p=0.0088 ,respectively. There is a significant positive correlation for lead with blood and 8-hydroxydeoxyguansine in urine of exposed workers( r=0.38 ,p=0.0098)