Wireless digital exchange using CDMA technique

Zain Alabdeen Jawad Kadhim
Dr. Mohannad K. Al-Lami
Dr. Manal J. Al-Kindi

Wireless communications started to make large steps in developments especially through the last decade along with the large growth in digital integrated circuit "1C" fabrication and radio frequency circuitry. Digital switching techniques simplified the use of wireless communication networks. The multiple access techniques like FDMA, TDMA and CDMA played a major role in the growth of wireless communication and wireless systems. This research is based on CDMA as multiple access technique between the different users to suggest a digital wireless system design that is flexible and may be upgraded later based on the basic system design but only with slight changes. Hybrid CDMA (TDM/CDMA) technique is used to propose the basic system design. The reason is to reduce the interference between the different users because of the different users' codes cross correlation. The use of TDM/CDMA system makes it possible to head for TDMA/CDMA system that is already considered as multiplexing technique in 3ÈÈ generation wireless system. Several case studies are presented to check the system compatibility and to reduce the problems that may occur leading the way for future system hardware construction. The system was tested through a number of simulation programs and a number of results were obtained with different case studies.