Symbolic analysis of current mode circuits based on Nullors

Ehab Kamal Abbas
Dr. Fawzi M. Al-Naima

The thesis presents a program for the symbolic analysis of general circuits including current mode . The program can analyze circuits containing current conveyors which have gained considerable attention in recent years due to their advantages in applications of current mode analog signal processing circuits. The program uses some properties of determinants together with efficient data structure to obtain the symbolic expansion of closed loop system matrix determinant from which the symbolic transfer function is obtained. Based on the symbolic function produced, differential and large change sensitivity of the network function with respect to any of the variables can be found in symbolic form. Frequency response of the desired circuits can also be obtained. Nullor representation of active elements are adopted beside the two-graph modified nodal formulation in order to minimize the order of system matrix from which the number of computations is reduced. The presented form of the program can handle circuits with up to 20 symbolic variables. The program is compared very favorably with other available program on the basis of execution time and number of variables that can be handled. The results of the program have been verified when compared with those obtained from the SPICE simulation program for the same circuits.