Non-invasive early optical detection of skin cancer

Ahmed Mohammed Ali Hadi Kazaili
Dr. Munqith S. Dawood
Dr. Faeza Aftan Zghair

The early detection of skin cancer may highly increase the chances fit shealing. One of the non-invasive methods of such detection is based on the oblique incidence diffuse reflectance (OIR) measurements of the reflected diod laser light from the skin. In this research we designed and implemented the OIR reflectometry measuring system with a 650 nm diod laser source to aid physicians in diagnosing both Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCC) and Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) . The laser is delivered obliquely to the skin surface by an optical fiber fitted through a tube holder of CCD camera . The diffused reflected laser light from the skin is captured by the CCD camera and sent to a computer, which is supplied by a special prepared Matlab program to analyze these images in order to decide in a time whether the lesion is malignant or benign . For the twenty cases diagnosed by this technique in the Governmental Specialized Marjan Hospital Babylon Iraq, the overall results were 85% accurate. The method of laser oblique-incidence diffuse reflectance (OIR) combined with using the developed algorithms have high classification rates may prove useful in the clinic as the process is fast , noninvasive and accurate.