اليمين الأمريكي المحافظ ودوره في رسم الإستراتيجية الأمريكية الشاملة لمرحلة ما بعد الحرب الباردة

علوم سياسية
آمنة علي سعيد
الدكتور منعم صاحي العمار

The American strategy depend,after 11spt.attack 2001,en important principle,to ,to understand and deal with the period of post-cold war word that characterized with huge risk (according to u.s.a)so the American thinkers,under the influences of neo-conservative,make new strategy that enables the American empire to organize a world which external enemies can to attack the most closer places to heart of the united states of America and it considerd overwhelmingly strikes to most symbol of pride for united states of America..As well as these risks formed a new challenges.over nationalism For this premise,the traditional strategies,like defense,containtment and deterrence strategies,are not sufficient after this period (era),so a new concept is devised this concept as amajor motivation (engine) to American foreign policy after 11 spt. Attack.
This strategy represented by many of trends which represent emergence to role of cultural and intellectual valuation as wellas a supporter to movement of American foreign policy.because the intellectual directions are the foundation of American strategy. Out of these trends,the American neo-conservatives rend,which historical development to this trend raise many of historical and organizational contradictions alike. While some whom believes that is most important,to description the birth and existence of this trend,is that there no precise determination to links and foundations of strength neo-conservatives trend,farther than hilosophical background and key governmental positions to some persons(of this trend)in Bush administration. While the others stress on practical historical argument include that key individuals of neo-conservatives trend in Bush administration are not new on American political scene where republican administrations since Nixon,Ford,Regn reaching to Bush administration. So the neo-conservative is the same old-conservative but the important her that the neo-conservative came in new period not determenated with considerations of cold war and it.diplomatic dictionary so what this group say and plan in closed (locked)room in private meeting now became more pronounced,especially after an absence of soviet union. However,the revolving door policy in American political life explain the truth of rotation specific set of power shifting from governmental positions to the managing of big companies or research center and return back to government when the apportunities of available to its performance and suit with the intellectual and political vision to this trend.is a same time still represent the interest of companies and research centers that come from. Bush administration in its strategy and its policy,represent organic alliance coalition between,what used to described,of American political scientists,as the (Iron triangle)to interest of the three parties,military-industrial complex,oil complex and financial consultant complex,and his base is the military-industerial complex,which stand behind huge military spending(expenditer)that reach it direct balance to half trillion dollars annually according to pentagon on 22|12|2003 However,the 11sept..attack of 2001 played vital role in emergence and vitality of this trend in addition to make decisive shift in American history.lt changes the pace and scope of American perception to international political situation and put in new effective political military direction aimed to deal with new reality (situation)in new direction effective and comprehensive . The 11|spt. Attacks produced new political view in American administration as a starting point in changing the rules of international environment.The change expectable here change in rule of international relations management and the systems of same states and the units that constitute mempership in international system .ln order to dedicated American unipolarity (only American pole) and control of the international system and generalized the principle of liberity which represent as standard to its policy from the moment of its involvement in international relations affairs.and considered it a gateway for reform of international system. Here the American new conservative has received uninterrupted support to his ideas and visions which had long linked with what international system should be which produced important motiviations for united states as an one pole in the world responsible on reform the international system which seems more than ever(any time),according to this trend, need to efforts of united states of America and trusted with its policy particularly in war against terrorism . So ,the war declared by united states of America after 11\spt..attacks 2001,represent as abeginning of new international period era not historical for united states of America only but it justified the struggles of along war different previous conflict during cold war.This war the mechanisms of conflict,possibilities and form of enmies are ditternt and vary in potentials and abilities and it awar include all forms of terrorism.which threatens American interest and then the interest of the interenational community. This idea have provide to new conservatives in addition to promotion of his idea give him growing ability to integrated his project in American comprehensive strategy that met with American interest and protection of American national security requirements of each threat.
Even if the threat still,the American comprehensive strategy seems to be as impodied to what trend believed. So,how the situation reach at this point?This what have our study answer.