Electron beam conditioning FEL

Hiba Anwar Mohammed
Dr. M. I. Al-Sanduk

FEL systems have several problems, which affect on the performance and reduce the gain. One of these problems is the divergence of the electron beam. The divergence caused by the random emittance of electrons generated by the gun, and the electrostatic repulsion between the electrons themselves. A two-phase solenoid conditioner is used in this project as an attempt to improve the FEL performance and gain by conditioning the electron beam. This type of conditioner is composed of two solenoids coil sandwiched between two RF cavities. A simulation was made to produce the random distribution of a high energy electron beam with large number of electrons (1024) by using random generator. Analysis, calculations and simulation were made for conditioning the electron beam and studying its properties. Specific range of electron energy in units of its rest mass energy was used (1000-56000) for the electron beam, (where 1000=5.1099*108e.v and 56000=2.8615*1010e.v). The results showed that the electron beam is conditioned in a well manner, especially for the cases of high energy. The randomness was reduced, and the correlation was increased successfully. The emittance was still growing and cannot be stopped.