Study of the gaussian energy spread on the helical FEL undulator

Rand Mohammad Nasser Ismaeel
Dr. Mohammed I.Sanduk
Dr. Muthana J. Al-Khishali

The electron energy spread is one of the limitations in the free electron laser system which causes the velocity spread in the electron beam and that leads to a random bunching process in the system. In this work a solenoid conditioner of two phases is proposed to reduce the effect of the energy spread on the free electron laser parameters. Several parameters have been examined to study the effect of the energy spread before and after the conditioning including the electrons distribution, the betatron period, the radiation wavelength, and the correlation. Gaussian electron beam has been examined in phase space, and high electrons energy has been assumed for different values of the energy spread. The results were obtained using matlab 7. From the simulation results it is clear that the conditioning is effective in reducing the effects of the energy spread specially for low values of the spread since the randomness is widely reduced and the process is more uniform, and that combined with kind of poor improvement in the correlation.