Evaluation study on some trace elements concentration's in Basra and Kirkuk crude oils.

Abd Al-Karim Fadhil Ali
Dr.Shahbaz A. Maki
Dr.Ameer A. Ameer

In oil rich country like Iraq, at which the petroleum industries are progressed and become larger and larger. These enlargements have very harmful effects on our environment such as releasing of degradable and non-degradable toxic materials such as volatile organic compounds and toxic metals respectively. This work represents a small contribution to draw attention towards the amounts of toxic metals that can be released from crude oil processing. This research is focusing on the pollution that came from the industrial processing of crude oils and the natural composition of crude oils with a special concern of the inorganic composition (toxic metals) of Iraqi crude oils, its effect on air, water and soil environment. The experimental part is dealing with the three methods of extractions dry aching, wet digestion with concentration nitric acid, and finally wet digestion with concentration hydrochloric acid. By applying the three methods on the two types Basra and Kirkuk crude oils and sample preparation, a 15 trace metals was determined these metals were As, Ca, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Pb, Hg, Mo, l\li, Ag, and Zn. Some of these elements were found in relatively large amounts for both types of crude oils, and others differ greatly according to type and origin of the crude oil.