A comparison study between phosphotungstic acid and enzymatic methods for the determination of serum uric acid.

Sammer Bader Fahad Al-Numeir
Dr. Shahbaz A. Maki
Dr. Yahya Y. Zaki Farid


Spectrophotometric methods have been used for the measurements of uric acid level in human serum. The phosphotungastic acid method was approved to be more sensitive than the enzymatic method, where the correlation coefficient of the calibration line estimated for the both methods, 0.9996 with relative standard
deviation (RSD) of 1.23% and 0.9968 with RSD of 3.56% respectively. Also the recovery of the both methods found to be 115% and 104 %, respectively. A significant difference was observed between phosphctunstic acid (PTA) and enzymatic methods, where P < 0.05. The values of the enzymatic method were higher than the values estimated by the PTA method. The studied cases were classified according to the risk factors to age, sex and smoking. For the age and sex factors the behaviour of uric acid level in human serum here in Iraq was similar to that in other countries, while the effect of smoking on the uric acid level was in a different manner to that in other countries. The studied cases were classified into four clinical features according to the symptomes of gout regarding to the uric acid level The study found that 13% of the cases were symptomatic hyperuricaemia, 27% asymptomatic hyperuricaemia, 22% of symptomatic hypouricaemia and 38% asymptomatic hypouricaemic These results gave 22% of the cases with pseudogout (symptomatic hypouricaemia), which is a good alarm to the physician to be carefully in diagnoses the disease of gout.