An Instructor Supervised on PhD Student in Egypt

In the frame of scientific cooperation between Iraq and Egypt ,   Prof.Dr.Nagwah Shaab Ahmed  ,a professor at Biothcnology Research Centre  supervised on the student Raad Abeed Salah ,College of Science /Al-Azhar University with a number of Egyptian professors involving Prof.Dr.Amed Al-Din  abaas Awes and Prof.Dr.Ahemd Ramadan Al-Swfahy /Microbiology/College of Science/A-Azhar University.

The title of this thesis is “Study of co- infection between Helicobacter pylori and Epstein - Barr virus in gastric cancer patients.”The thesis   gathers 115 samples  of people who have stomache, then rapid  test of urea to detect the presence of  H.pylori and test of IL-17 A by IHC in samples of tumor which implies Paraffin,then extract DNA of samples which have positive results and test of DNA  by NanoDrop  and  

Electrophoresis. Polymerization is done to inflate two places inside  Genome H  Pylori 16sRNA  and genes of urea by nucleotides.  Phylogenetic is done by MEGA.


Translated by

Prof.Aula  Abdul Ghaffour Muhammad Salah