Design and analysis of laser guidance system using detector array

Alaa Mohammed Al-Shemmery
Dr. Mohammed Z. Al-Faiz

In this work two dimensional Laser Detection and Tracking System (LDTS) have been designed and implemented. The proposed system can detect and track moving targets in space. The platform of the system consists from two DC motors, which drive a mirror in the two dimensions. The implemented hardware circuits contains interfacing with parallel computer port, detectors array which contain six photoconductive detectors that gives observation of the laser beam, and electronic circuit which contains of analog and digital circuits required to perform the system operations. Scanning mirror technique have been used which provides the ability of using fixed detectors array. Different types of controllers (PD controller, fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and fuzzy model reference controller (FMRLC)) schemes are evaluated and tested practically in real time system as position controller for simple laser detection and tracking system. The software used in this system is under DOS Turbo C++ and MATLAB 5.3. C++ used to implement all types of the controllers in the system which gives the ability of real time computation and processing which is very necessary in FMRLC. The MATLAB used to display the response of the system after C++ has been storing it. The performance of the controllers that have been tested that it is found the FMRLC is better than FLC and PD controller. Because it is faster with zero steady state error the enable the system to track targets of higher velocity.