A prototype design of an enterprise resources management systems with an Arabic language interface

Computer Science
Ban Rahman Lafta
Dr.Saad A. Mehdi
Dr.Taha S. Bashaga


There are not many researches in the enterprise resources management field, especially researches that using the Arabic language as a user interface help to interact with such information systems. In the past, most information systems that deal with managing the enterprises were designed to process single job, which is the systems, that process one application of the enterprise, for example, an information system to manage the human resources of the enterprise, or an information system to manage the marketing of the enterprise. This research overview the concepts of the Enterprise Resources Management (ERM), this type of information system called an "all in one" system. Such a system helps the high level management of the enterprise and the middle one to give the suitable decisions in managing their enterprises. The system depends on the concepts of input an inquiry (by the user) with standard Arabic language and processes it using patterns matching approach parser. The system analyzes the surface structure (user inquiry) and converts it to a deep structure then generates the answer by making the matching with the knowledge base of the system, and hiding all technical details and the structure of the knowledge base from the user. Visual Prolog programming language was used to build the system, and also Visual Basic was used to build the interface of the system.