Design and implementation of an Arabic report maker.

Computer Science
Sarwa Amir Al-Koubaisi
Dr. Abdulilah Dewachi


Most application programs contain routines dedicated to the generation of printer reports as output. The performance and capabilities of such routines are constrained by the programming functions of the application software being used. The work presented is an attempt to develop a general and flexible report maker dedicated to Arabic novice users, that can produce different types and layouts of output reports according to users requirement. The result is a report maker called ARM. The acronym stands for : Arabic Report Maker. Flexibility in the use of ARM will be achieved by providing easy to use Arabic interface that enables users to easily generate their reports. ARM enables its users to design their report and save it, or update it, as desired. The design phase allows users to specify the fields to be placed in the report with their corresponding headers and lengths, it also allows them to include titles, headers, footers, date, and any of the aggregate functions and conditions provided by ARM. ARM subsequently stores the report parameters for further reference or modification. ARM can deal with different data base applications that are compatible with FoxPro version 2.0. These include dBase III plus, Foxbase, FoxPro version 1.0.