Optical system controllable by neural network to measure the (MTF)

Ibrahim Abdullah Murdas Al-Shugaery
Dr. Abdullah M. Suhail
Dr. Mohammed Zeki Al-Faiz

The design and construction of computerized system to measure the modulation transfer function (MTF) for an optical system has been done in this work. The MTF computations are dependants of the amplitude of the sinusoidal output divided by the averaging amplitude . The design of the program, which computes and plots the MTF for the square grating and operation, is achieved. The MTF for the sinusoidal grating as a function of spatial frequency is also calculated by the (COLTMAN) algorithm. The spatial frequency had been designed and constructed for different frequencies. In this project, the design and implementation of circular disk carrying different frequencies are achieved also. This disk was attached to a servomotor.the motion of this servomotor is controlled by software that was built specifically to control the disk rotation for required time, and alignment with optical system .The software is based on the neural network algorithm. This system showed a good operating performance and the results were compared well with the theoretical software obtained by (OPTIMA).