A theoretical study for diminishing the effect of induced plasma in laser cutting processes

Ridha Mohammed Zeki Mohammed Hussan Ahmed
Dr. Mohammed Abdul-Amir Hussain

Plumes of high temperatures opaque plasma are induced during many application of laser material processing, which shields the material from receiving further laser energy . This work proposes a technique to attack the plasma plume right from the start, using the influence of a magnetic field at a specific orientation to the laser beam. The principle of the technique is to expel the plume out of the process zone in a direction other than towards the laser beam source. The framework analyses of two theoretical models of plasma plume scattering under the effect of an external magnetic fields , in the presence of the laser electromagnetic waves. The distinguishing factor between the two models is the significance of the electric field within the plasma.The analysis reveled that effective plasma drift velocity can be induced with significant electric field using uniform magnetic field. More complicated situation arise when using non- uniform magnetic field, as this depends on the initial particles velocities within the plasma and the gradient of the magnetic flux .