Optical model analysis for elastic scattering of 1-20 meV neutrons with light nuclei 6 A 40.

Fadhil Abd Al-Abass Ali
Dr. Mahdi H. Jasim

The experimental data results of neutrons elastic scattering from light nuclei (6‹_A‹40) at different energy range (1‹En‹20) MeV, have been analyzed theorectical ly in terms of optical model. In order to explore the possibility of finding a uniform set of optical parameters that would reproduce the general features of neutrons scattering from light nuclei. These nuclei are likely to be common components of fission and fusion reactor configuration design. A new empirical set of optical model parameters have been achieved from present analysis using the available experimental and theoretical results obtained from different refrences for the interval (1975- 1993) and RAROMP code has been used for getting some results for such parameters for specific elements, such as, 7Li, 12C, 14N and l6O at a fixed energy of 14.1 MeV. The regression analysis program have also been written to give an empirical formulae for the interested parameters set with minimize X2/P. Mass number A1 / 3, incident neutron energy En and nuclear asymmetry (N-Z)/A, are found to have large influence on such parameters. Potential parameters (Vr, Wv, Ws and Vso) are found to be energy and nuclear asymmetry dependent, while radius and diffuseness parameters (Rr, Ar, Rv, and Av) are A1/3 and nuclear asymmetry dependent, except for the Us which is A1 / 3 dependent only and similarly (As, Rso and Aso) are nuclear asymmetry dependent only.