
Characterization of new cross linked polymer as potential stationary phase for HPLC separation

A cross linked polymer was synthesized by condensation reaction between polyacrylic acid with succinic acid dihydrazide in the presence of phosphorus oxychloride. The products were characterized by FTIR. The resulted polymer has high rigidity and easily grinded, with high stability.This polymer was used as stationary phase for HPLC. This stationary phase has been packed into stainless steel column. The chromatographic performance of the newly packed column was characterized.


WebP Image Steganography Using M8PAM for Android Applications

The spread of using of WebP image format on the Internet, especially on social media and conversation programs, so when sending them repeatedly do not raise doubt, which made it a point of strength in the exploiting this feature by data security field.In this thesis, an integrated system was proposed to protect secret messages using steganography technique to hiding the secret messages within WebP


Hiding Text in Sequence Number Field of TCP/IP

 The exchanging process inside Local Area Network (LAN) or through Internet may be exposed to be stolen, altered or damaged by baleful person who was represented as real threats to transport process and also to information especially if this information was sensitive, important and must be accessed by only authorized person. Wherefore this data must be secured against such threats. Many ideas was



Biometrics is automated methods of recognizing an individual based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. Biometric system consists of two subsystems; one for enrollment and the second is for recognition. In enrollment, used three biometric samples used to create user’s main template.


Proposed Multi Agents Classification System using Neural Networks

Multiagents technology took a significant role in the field of decision making and machine learning for solving complex problems in the real world. They simulate human ability to decision making where they have ability to reasoning and behave autonomously to solve problems or to support human user.In this thesis, a classification system using hierarchal multi agent's technology based on neural network and fuzzy logic is introduced,where each agent is implemented as a neural network (trained using back propagation learning algorithm).


Satellite Image Classification Using K-Means and SVD Techniques

The use of remote sensing technologies was gained more attention due to an increasing need to collect data for the environmental dynamics.  Digital image analysis has been used for forest mapping and inventory evaluations, and it has played a substantial role in landcover monitoring and assessment. Satellite image classification is a relatively recent type of remote sensing uses satellite imagery to


Fingerprint Recognition by Using Pores Extraction

Fingerprints are the oldest and most broadly used form of biometric identification. Everyone is known to have unique, immutable fingerprints.Fingerprint identification and recognition are considered popular technique in many security and law enforcement applications. Many systems rely on the matching of fingerprints using various methods and algorithms based on find position and orientation of ridge endings and bifurcations within the fingerprint image in both levels (level 2 and level 3).


Share Audio Cryptography Using DCT Transform

An Effective and secure protection of sensitive information is the primary concern in communication systems or network storage systems, it is important for any information process to ensure data is not being tampered. To achieve confidentiality and integrity of multimedia information, various Secret Sharing Schemes (SSS) have been developed.This thesis presents a (2,n) threshold Secret Sharing Scheme, which is one of the types of SSS and a special  kind of  (k, n) threshold scheme.


Personal Assistant Email Agent

Email is one of the most useful communication tools over the Internet; Email can be an effective knowledge management tool which conveniently enables fast and accurate communication. On the other side, the increasing volume of email threatens to cause a state of “email overload” at which the volume of messages exceeds individuals’ capacity to process them. The recent phenomena of email-overloading in daily life and business have created new problems to users.
