Biochemical Variations associated with Oxalate and Urate kidney stones

Lena Nawzad Amin
Dr. Salman A. Ahmed
Dr. Shahbaz A. Maki

The current study has been done to detect the physiological and environmental factors that influence the kidney stones formation (calcium oxalate stones and uric acid stones).Biochemical tests in sera and 24 hrs. urine include calcium, phosphorus,potassium, sodium, magnesium, citrate, oxalate, urea, creatinine, glucose,cholesterol, pH and total urine volume were measured in evaluation of nephrolithasis.
Samples of (67) patients (45 males and 22 females) were taken and random samples of (20) people were taken and considered as control group.The purpose of it was to determine the important of some variables that influence inhibitory activity in urine.Result for patients of calcium oxalate stone showed that there were a significant difference in 24 hrs. urine calcium, magnesium, citrate, sodium,potassium, PH and urine volume. And results for patients of uric acid stone showed that there were a significant difference in 24 hrs. urine magnesium,uric acid, citrate, sodium, potassium, PH and urine volume.
Results for serum calcium oxalate stone patients showed that there were a significant difference in calcium, magnesium and uric acid. And results for patients of uric acid stones showed that there were a significant difference in uric acid.Results also showed that males were more affected than females with a ratio of (2.1:1) and the age group (31-45) and (46-60) were the most affected.The study of risk factors of nephrolithiasis showed the presence of correlation between the disease and several factors.Family history of stones was frequently reported in patients with a ratio reached to (65.67%).The ratio of patients how consume high animal protein (red meat) was much more than other patients and reached to (55.22%) and the majority of them were males in (35.82%) percent.One of the other factors that influence the incidences of nephrolithasis is occupation, therefore males with hard work showed a ratio reached to (52.23%).