Water Quality in Some Iraqi Water Resources

Hazim Abdul Razzaq Abdul Ameir
Dr. Shahbaz A. Maki

This study represents a small contribution to draw attention towards the water quality with respect to the amount of the metal ions (calcium, magnesium, chloride, copper, iron and lead) in some Iraqi water resources (tap, river and ground water). The water samples was collected from some Iraqi governorates (Al- Sulaimaniyah, Al- Mosul, Diyala, Baghdad, Karbala, Al- Najaf, and Al- Diwaniyah).In chapter one of this thesis, an introduction was given on the water resources and water quality also the water pollutants and their origin and sources, and some metal ions that may exist in the drinking water and their maximum level according to the Iraqi and international water quality standards. Chapter one also concerns with the analytical techniques used to determine the metal ions in water samples. These methods include the electrochemical and spectrochemical techniques.The second chapter deals with experimental part, which include instruments, chemicals and sampling. Chapter two also describes the methods used to determine metal ions in the water samples.The results and discussion was presented in chapter three. The results included the determination of Ca++, Mg++, Cl-, Cu++, Fe, and finely Pb ion concentrations.The calcium concentration in water samples were in the range (20.73 to 44.66) ppm in tap water, (39.19 to 73.19) ppm in river water and (32.42 to 58.79) ppm in ground water. Copper concentration was in the range (0.053 to 0.105), (0.036 to 0.069) and (0.035 to .058) ppm in tap, river and ground water samples, respectively.Chloride concentration in water samples was in the range (167.04 to 370.01), (216.81 to 433.75) and (148.61 to 209.45) ppm in tap, river and ground water samples, respectively.Magnesium concentration was in the range (7.87 to 18.91) ppm in the tap water, (18.53 to 33.33) ppm in the river water and (15.53 to 23.09) ppm in the ground water samples.Iron concentration was in the range (0.135 to 0.273) ppm in the tap water, (0.127 to 0.221) ppm in the river water and (0.078 to 0.095) ppm in the ground water samples.Lead concentration was in the range (0.008 to 0.013) ppm in the tap water and its concentration was not found in both river and ground water.