Design and implemenation of microcontroller based control of artificial hand

Zainab Ibraheem Khairallah
Dr. Mohammed N. Latif

In general, artificial hands can be divided into two main categories, the prosthetic hands and robotic hands. The artificial hand should match with the requirements of the prosthesis and robotics, and then wear and used as the part of the natural human body. Prosthetic hand gives hope for amputees to recapture their ability to perform complicated physical movements of the lost human hands. In this thesis, the artificial hand (Otto bock sensor hand speed) was used; this artificial hand from Otto bock German company and the type of motor used in the electrical hand is DC motor. The artificial hand is used such that the first part of circuit design is responsible for controlling the electrical hand drive by using the microcontroller PIC (16F877A) and two types of sensors (micro switch) to sense the opening and closing the artificial hand. The second part of the circuit design included the (bidirectional motor drive relay circuit) to control the speed and direction of DC motor. Maximum frequency of PWM signal is (1Hz), this is a suitable speed to open and close hand at (1 second) and protect the motor to reach maximum speed which is causing damage to the solid object. The artificial hand is tested to catch different solid parts without damage it or loss it after taking the order from microcontroller. The simulation used to test the system was implemented by using (MPLAB program) through editor which is part of microcontroller package that can modify the program and rearrange it, and the debugger that checks the program written and gives alarm signal if fault occur, then the program is converted to hex file and transferring the hex file to microcontroller PIC (16F877A). Microcontroller can establish communication with serial RS-232 line via hardware UART (8250) (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) which is an integral part of (PIC16F877A) microcontroller.