World Wide One PACS Used on Daily Practices in Teaching Hospitals and Institutes

Qusay Abdul Ameer Abdul Hassan
Dr. Nasser N. Khamiss

This project aims at setting up a new generation from Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) network which allows medical and academic communities to access and share clinical medical images through open networks that are suggested for medical Iraqi systems and educational institutions. It aims to use Internet as the major provider for computational services to applications in ubiquitous computing environments. The learner users have a remote access to the medical imaging repositories. The structure of the system is modular structure that makes the project easy for edit and flexible for work. This means that each one of the PACS subsystems consists of a number of pluggable modules which allow to add up new features later by coding them as a separate modules and plugging them into the existing system, making them suitable for use in any hospital or medical center. The proposed PACS satisfy the main functions of viewing, storing, retrieving, communication and managing of patients medical digital images and related information. Using PACS as the main core for the proposed learning part will lead to the approach of an active learning. This technique will includes learning groups and medical case studies. Online medical active leaning approach is more efficient it thought to promote processing learner’s skills and knowledge to a much deeper level, than the passive learning that is known in Iraqi colleges and institutions. In this project open source platforms are used (Apache Web server, MySQL Database Server, and PHP Server Sides Scripting) as a new feature for security, reliability, robust and wide support community. Finally, the main feature is that all platform components are customizable and can be edited or modified by any programmer, making them suitable for medical and academic uses or research implementations