السياسة الخارجية الامريكية حيال تركيا(2002-2012)

هدى نبيل كاظم
الأستاذ المساعد الدكتورعلي حسن نيسان

Experiencing the United States since the invasion of Afghanistan (2001 ) , and the invasion and occupation of Iraq (2003 ) , and the consequences of the failure of its policy in the two countries , a state of decline and retreat at the global level , therefore the makers of U.S. foreign policy to work on restructuring the deployment American abroad militarily , financially and politically in order to serve U.S. interests , and cooperation with U.S. allies regional and foremost (Turkey) , which saw during the same stage almost any since the end of the year (2002) , up regionally increased pace during the short period of time , was able to be achieved a quantum leap the great achievements at different levels of economic , political, social and military , has also seen a Turkish foreign policy in this period, a significant shift , based on the theory of " strategic depth " and reflected the practical through a policy of " reset problems " and " soft power " , which had a significant impact in the development of its relations with the countries of the region and its peoples , which in turn reflected the improvement in the status and role of Turkey in its regional environment . So did the United States with Turkey, its strategic ally the first in the region , in order to cover up the general debility , which hit the U.S. policy and decline , particularly in the Middle East region through political approach based on the theory of " leading from behind " , but the events of the region and developments subsequent revealed some serious weaknesses in this theory , especially the difference is clear to see each other's role in these events and developments , this " difference" that worked both the United States and Turkey very hard to prevent exacerbations and turning into a " dispute " . During the search in U.S. foreign policy towards Turkey after 2002 , you find that American foreign policy has changed regarding Turkey after 2002 and not only because of the dimension of the geo-strategic for Turkey , which gave it a competitive advantage high but also because of Turkey's ability superior to present itself to the United States as a ideal partner who can be relied upon in an area of great importance and sensitivity for the United States of America , so Turkey entered in partnership long-term strategy with the United States is to make it as a ( cornerstone ) in any U.S. policy toward its regional environment where the location is geo- strategically vital advantage by Turkey , making them important political, military and economic in understand and thought planners and makers of American foreign policy , both before the Cold War, or after , so expanded the U.S. to forge closer ties of political , economic and security ties with Turkey , and brought to the point of " strategic alliance " and then to " strategic partnership " , in order to serve their goals and interests in the Middle East and Central Asia. A number of internal variables , regional and international contributed in the formulation of a new direction of U.S. foreign policy towards Turkey , demonstrated clearly since (2002) , Climate U.S. administrations have effect in the direction of U.S. foreign policy towards Turkey , as well as affected by this policy variables Turkish Interior . Has been characterized U.S. foreign policy towards Turkey , in the era of U.S. President " George W. Bush " , with tension and disagreements and differing visions about ways of dealing with the issues of the volatile region , especially the Iraq war and occupation (2003 ) , and its negative consequences on the Turkish national security , the move away Washington for positive interaction with Turkey about these issues , most notably the Kurdish problem. Rather, the U.S. foreign policy towards Turkey in the era of U.S. President Barack Obama , which began from Turkey, his first visit to the Islamic world in April (2009) , to rapprochement and closer ties and convergence of views in dealing with common issues , as it sought the President ( Obama ) to promoting a model " moderate Islam " represented by the justice and Development Party , as a model for all parties and Islamic movements , particularly after the outbreak of the waves of the Arab revolutions and the rise of parties of political Islam to power in a number of Arab countries , and the countries are linked to relations described by Turkish President ( Gul ) the " partnership typical " , and strategic relationships beyond the economic aspects and the political aspects of security and military , to considerations not related to the membership of the two countries in NATO , but also to the nature of alliances, joint and history of bilateral relations , and embrace Turkey for one of the most important U.S. bases in the Middle East, a " base Incirlik " in the south of Turkey . The arrival of the AKP to power in Turkey (2002 ) , and his quest to follow a foreign policy based on taking the reins from interest considerations Turkish exclusive , not the requirements of the strategic ties with the United States , led to a divergence in attitudes between Turkey and the United States , where it seemed that there is a divergence between the visions of the two countries about the many global and regional issues , particularly in the period of administration of U.S. President ( George W. Bush ) , like the war on Iraq , as well as Turkey's refusal to isolate Syria , as well as Turkish opposition to the imposition of sanctions or the use of military force against Iran because of its nuclear program , as well as projects rejected the division of Iraq , and the missile defense shield project and others. Rather, U.S. foreign policy , to support cooperation and strategic alliance Turkish - Israeli and documented between these two allies in the region , in order to achieve their goals and objectives and projects in the region , through the support of Turkish - Israeli her , on the other hand , affected relations Turkey and Israel, the U.S. role supportive towards strengthening the relations between them , was Turkey's relations of the United States is witnessing a clear improvement if improved relations with Israel , and tense in the event of tension ties with Israel , and the reason for this is the effect of the Zionist lobby in the U.S. Congress , and to the strategic relations and interdependence of interests between both the United States of America and Israel. We have sought U.S. policy towards Turkey regarding Iran to prevent any rapprochement Turkish - Iranian weaken its tireless efforts to isolate Iran from the international community and weaken and thus force it to abandon its ambitions and regional projects that threaten U.S. interests in the region . In the region of Central Asia and the Caspian Sea has sought U.S. foreign policy to neutralize Russia's sphere of influence traditional and move forward in reducing placed geo - political , through the output resources of this region for control and prevent governed by the power supply to this region , and the trend towards Turkey and strengthen relations with them and support their efforts to become a conduit for energy between Central Asia and the Caspian Sea, on the one hand and Europe on the other hand , prefer the link permanently with supply lines Russian , and change the course of energy in and out of Russia from the energy equation existing in this region since the end of the Cold War. As for the war on Afghanistan and Iraq, he got a difference in the Turkish attitude toward them , the situation is Turkish war in Afghanistan surpassed the level of support to the level of support and active participation in the war , while Turkey refused to participate in the Iraq war and open a northern front against him , and led this rejection to injury Washington disappointed, to the tension between them , but he nevertheless , the United States realized that the war against terrorism and the need for Turkey one of the most important allies strategists in the region , meriting consideration beyond it , and the need to resolve bilateral differences in a quiet reduce tensions between parties to enable them to continue to cooperate , strategy and the size of the common interests any other interests temporary dictated by the circumstances of war between the two countries . The United States believes that Turkey represents the center of gravity of the primary in the Greater Middle East and the promotion of the region as an Islamic country mighty , and that the engine and actor President in the implementation of this project , through which the United States can the U.S. achieve its objectives and to ensure that its strategic interests in the region . And Turkey represents the cornerstone of which is indispensable for the United States of America , it occupies a nerve in the framework of its strategy cosmic in most regions of the world sensitivity , which is represented in its military base fixed land, sea and air , so it is seeking United States to involve Turkey in the draft defense shield missile , by making Turkey a third pillar after Poland and the Czech Republic . Turkish politics is striving to show the same appearance regional ally and protector of American interests in the region, Turkey is located in an area rich in crises and tensions , and the United States need to manage these crises , and here lies the interests of the U.S. strategy to establish a renewed relationship with Turkey .