Vaccination coverage acomparison between urban and rural areas in Najaf-Iraq

Ala'a mohammed Hassen Shubber
Dr.Amjad Doud Niazi

1.1 This is survay that was designed to show the difference in the coverage of the triple vaccine(diphtheria,tetanus and pertussis) together with the poliomyelitis B.C.G. and measles vaccines that were given for children below one year of age,between an urban and rural areas in Najaf governornte -Iraq for the period from October 1991 to Augest 1992. 1.2 The total samples studied were(1000)one thousand children below one year of aga. Five hundrid children were chosen from Hera district and Hera medical centre and the surrounding Villages (which is about 45 Kms.away front Najaf centre) as arural area the other 500 children were chosen from the (17 July midical cent re)inside Najaf governorate as an urban area, for that purpose acertain form was used in which we interrogated about thetname of the child ,his age,serial numbar of th« child in his family , total number of chil­dren in tho family , then the details of the vaccines (triple.polio B.C.G. and measles vaccines)that are given to the baby,the degree of mother education,Job of the father,distance between the home and medical centre, hea­lth education programme inside medical centre,source of knowledge of vaccinations and lastly the cause of non completion of vaccinations. In this study the raain point concentrated upon was the difference in the vaccination coverage between the urban and rural areas in Najaf governorate and factors affecting them following results were obtained: 1.3 In urban area 96.8% were vaccinated with BCG 86.8% vaccinated with 1st dose of polio & triple vaccine. 68.6% vaccinated with 2nd dose of polio & triple vaccine. 41.4% vaccinated with 3rd dose of polio 4 triple vaccine. 39.4% vaccinated with measles. While in the rural area 89% were vaccinated with BCG vaccine. 74.4% vaccinated with 1st dose polio & triple vaccine. 37.8% vaccinated with 2nd dose polio & triple vaccine. 20.4% vaccinated with 3rd dose of polio & triple vacccine 20.2% vaccinated with measles vaccine. From that appears that the coverage is higher in the urb­an than in the rural areas. 1.4 The source of Knowledge of vaccination benifit,as the following results were obtained: In the urban area television and radio constitute 76% of source of knowledge,Hea1th centre constitutes 11%,private clinic 3.4%. While in the rural area effect of television was 72%. Health centre 14%,private clinic 1.8%,from that it seems to be that the television is the most effective as a source of knowledge of vaccination benefit in both Urban and Rural areas. 1.5 Effect of mother education on vaccination coverage study showed that 59.8% generally educated mothers completed vaccinations of their children , and 45.7% of uneducated mothers has been vaccinated their childten completely, that is in the urban , while in the rural area 41.9% of educated mothers has been completed vaccinations and 19.7% children of non educated mothers completed vaccina­tions.From that it seems that the percentage of comple­tion of vaccination among educated is higher in both urban and rural areas. 1.6. The effect of father Job on programme of vaccination cover-age,it was shown that the percentage of vaccination was higher among the governmental officials than other jobs in both urban and rural areas where 77.7% of gover­nmental officials in the urban area completed their babies vaccinations while 40% of governmental officials in the rural area completed vaccinatipns. 1.7 Effect of serial number of the child in his family on the vaccination coverage,the percentage of vaccination of the 1st child was much higher than the 9th child in both the urban and rural areas where £9.6% of the 1st child warm vaccinated while 57.1% of the 9th child were vaccinated, that is in urban area,while in the rural area 1st child percentage of vaccination child was 40.5%,while 22.5% of 9th child was vaccinated , so the parents attention for the 1st child is much more than the attention on the 9th child 1.8 Causes of non completion of vaccination: The main cause is the mother herself in both urban and rural nrens.where 75.3% of causes were the mother (busy mother).in urban area.while 65.6% in rural area.