Imported cases of malacia in Baghdad, 1980-1990

Sabah A. Al-Muayyad
Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Shihab

Intercountry transmission of malaria, is an important health problem especially in recipient countries. In the period 1980, 1990,2345 cases of malaria were imported from abroad to Baghdad, 1827 cases. were from India. Vivax malaria was the most predomeinant imported species. Though this problem is serious, still the measures that have been implemented by the malaria eradication directarte were effective enough to prevent any renewal of transmission. Imported malaria cases from within the Country were 573 cases and have been dealt with properly in a way that it could not be a real problem. The programme of malaria eradication was and is still successful and will continue to be like that if our efforts will not be weakend. The aim of this study is:- 1- To study the malaria epidemiological situation in Iraq, especially for the years under discusion. 2- To find whether these malaria imported cases were a real risk for the malaria programme which may threaten the status of malaria interrupted transmission in Iraq. 3- To review the measures that have been implemented against these malaria imported cases and find whether these measures were efficient and successful if not further researches and studies must be carried out to achieve effecient and successful measures. 1.2 Epidemiology of malaria The scope of malaria epidemiology: As the distribution of malaria and the motive Forces that determine its prevalence are governed by factors related to the parasite, the vector, and the man, find as these are affected by environmental factors, it is imperative that we should know such sciences dealing with thepc factors and their interrelationships in order to have a full comprehension of the epidemiology of malaria. In fact the epidemiology of malaria, is the synthesis of the sciences of parasitology, entomology, meteorology, topography, biology, as well as the sciences dealing with won namely medicine, public health, sociology, economy, and, administrative management. 1.3 Eradication epidemiology: This is an evolution resulting from mass eradication campaigns based on synthesis of all factors entering the process of disease prevalence and transmission under the impact of eradication attack measures whether related to parasite, vector, or man. The characteristics of "disappearing malaria" the genesis of problem areas due to technical biological factors, the importance and implications of human relationships and cooperative attitudes as reflected in community, within the public bealth services and other organizational structures, and between nations, are recognized as determinants to the existence and prevalence of malaria.