Factors affecting birthweight of the newborn babies in two teaching hospitals in Baghdad

Maysaloun Mohammed Al-Ani
Dr. A. H. Al-Hadi

This study conducted aiming to identify the extent of the problem of 'LBW in Iraq in the current situation , and to obtain data on factors effecting the birthweight. The sample consiste of 353 mothers attending 2 selected hospitals in Baghdad ( One in Karkli and the other in Rusafa side ), only two mothers had twins , while the rest gave birth to singleton babies . The study conducted during the period of 1st - 31st julay, 1994. Data related to factors affecting birthweight were collected from the mothers in addition to the measurement of mother's height, weight, and the anthropometric measurements of each newborn infant . The results in this study showed that the percentage of LEW to be ( 13.3%) of total births , wliich is Mgher than figures reported in the previos years . The study showed that birthweight and height of the newborn baby are signifFabd-alstaaricantly associated with gestational age . The more the chance provided to the mother to complete the coarse of pregnancy , the less the chance to have LEW babies . The nutritional status of the mother in term of height was found to have significant effect on the weight and height of the newborn baby . Parity was reported to have significant association with weight of the newborn baby , the U-shape distribution of LEW in. relation to parity has not been demonstrated clearly owing to the current situation in the country. prometric measurements of the like baby midruin circumference and head circumference were found to be closely related maternal height but not age . Apgar score at 1, 3 , and 5 minutes was significantly affected by birthweight and gestational age . The study showed that consanguinity between parents had significant effect on the height of the newborn baby .