Assessment of nutritional status of pregnant women in Baghdad

Suha Tahir Al-Yassin
Dr. Abdul Hussain M. Hadi

This study is an attempt to document the increasing health risk due to problems related to the nutritional status of pregnant women attending four M.C.H. centers and three hospitals which were chosen to represent different sectors of Baghdad city, that might reflect socio-economic and cultural standards. For the period of beginning of September 1994 to the beginning of October 1994. This sample was randomly selected, it composed of 400 pregnant women were seen during their antenatal visits, they were chosen as apparently healthy pregnant ladies, primigravida or multigravida, and at any trimester. They were of different ages i.e. from less than 20 years old to more than 40 years old. The study was aiming at assessment of the socio economic status, birth interval, minvber of pregnancies, with medical, surgical, obstetrical problems evaluation done, and feeding habit and drug suplimentation during her present pregnancy is also evaluated in this study. Physical examination done including anthropometric measurements and laboratory investigations including hemoglobin concentration and P.C.V. level estimation. Analysis of data was carried out. Results showed that most of pregnant women in this study were of low socio-economic status, most of them were of primary education. Most of them with poor intake of calcium and minerals/ vitamines and medication which supports pregnancy (iron,Iol5c acid) and majority of them of short birth interval, which plays a big role in depletating the nutrients stores in the pregnant wornen, detected medical problems, Anthropometric measurements reviewed an' average height of 155-159cm. average weight55--59kg, mid arm circumference 25-"29cm, skin fold thickness 15-19mm. Anemia was prevalent in 45% of pregnant women, This calls the development of good nutrition education program to over come this major problem.