Non- Invasive Skin Bio-Impedance Spectroscopical Diagnosis

Manal Radwan Ali Al-Khazraji
Dr. Munqith S. Dawood

The early detection of skin cancer may highly increase the chances of its treatment and healing. A new non-invasive fast method of electrical impedance technique, called electrical bio-impedance spectroscopy was developed to detect the skin cancer and identify whether the lesion is Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) or basal cell carcinoma (BCC). This study presents the design and implementation of a four electrode-measureing circuit combination, used for the skin cancer diagnosis. The bio-impedance Z of the skin lesion was measured by using Ohm's law along 1kHz to 1MHz spectral band of frequencies. The results were displayed on the PC screen using LABVIEW program. Twenty patient cases were examined by this technique in the Al-Kindy teaching hospital in Baghdad (Iraq). The results were tabulated and compared with the biopsy diagnostic result of each case. By comparing the results of this technique with the biopsies results, it was found that the accuracy of this technique reachs about 90%. These results encourage the use of this bioimpedance measuring method to decrease the necessity of using biopsies.