مكانة العراق في المدرك الاستراتيجي البريطاني

سارة شكر احمد
الدكتورقحطان كاظم محمد الخفاجي

The importance of the lively areas of the world in the great powers was a basic varying matter, because the activities of great powers depended to a large extent on it's relations with those areas. For Britain, the Arab Area, especially Iraq, was very, especially Iraq, was very important because it formed the shortest way to India plus the massive welth of petrol it had. Against all this the active a great powers in the area like United State Of American and Britain intefer in correcting or changing the policies of the states in the area. Iraq should understand that he is part of the strategy of these great powers. This study tries to verify the theory that (Iraq's position in the British mind does not change with the changing of conditions), To prove this theory we must answer certain Questions, what's the nature of the British interest in Iraq, and what are the changes that affect the position of Iraq in the policy of Britain? What are the future possibilities of Iraq's position in the British policy? The first chapter deals with the meaning of ((position)) and the development of British policy towards Iraq, also the history of British heritage in Iraq in the fields of policy and economy. The second chapter the effective elements in the British understanding of Iraq, this includes the study of the internal changes in both Iraq and Britain plus the support of Britain to (Israel). The third chapter the researcher gave her ideas of the position of Iraq in the British strategy, the first idea was based on the promotion of the position of Iraq in the British strategy, the second idea was based on the dimension of that position. Based on the importance of Iraq and the effects of international and regional powers, the researcher gave a preference to the idea of the indirect promotion of the position of Iraq. We have reached the following conclusions at the end of this study:
1- Britain failed in it's efforts to be accepted in Iraq.
2- The British role in the war on Iraq was not accepted in all regions of Iraq.
3- The share that the United State Of American gave to Britain was not of the size expected by it, both the United State Of American and the Iraqi people participated in Lessing the British (benefits), the Iraqi people resited the occupation, and so Britain found it's self in a bad position.
4- The British Administration foiled to convince the British people of it's conditional participation with the United State Of American which was very bad for the British Government. in addition, the small size of the British(Benefits) in the war on Iraq, despite it's big, Participation in that war made the British people more angry. This led to public trials of the main members of the British Government.