الابعاد الجيوستراتيجية للأمن القومي الامريكي بعد 2001م

فاطمة محمد رضا الجابري
الدكتورقحطان كاظم الخفاجي

The United States of America used to deal with the topic of its national security on restricted aware bases connected to its leading for the world but the attacks of September 2001 Lead to correct the awaring for the threat for U.S. decision maker so the danger of the terrorist operations become the most pioneer threat on the national security and the U.S. national security connected to spatial dimensions according to the geostratigic urgent necessities and the range of the affecting its national security for the variables out side its geographical range in Europe , Asia, Africa where the operation of identifying of the geostratigy dimensions for U.S. national security , after 11th of September and their evaluation , are considered of the difficult matters , where the new global environment with all of what it carries of challenges threats that carried different degrees of threat for the security and varied in its sources , that led to create new security environment that emerge in it the unusual security issues and what was called the non military dimensions of the security in its work tables like terrorism , organized crime , extreme Islam others these variables expanded the spatial dimensions for the U.S. national security , in away that it add tasks difficulties carried inside them strategic geographical analysis submitted to the events dynamic in the important strategic areas . And for this turning and due to the exceeded events and the interfering of the spatial dimensions with the national security of U.S. , the global environment witnessed new turnings different crises it became necessary to follow the dimensions of U.S. national security after 2001 because this matter in not considered American only but it became international in one way or another . So our treating for the subject of the geostratigic dimensions for the national security of U.S. after 2001 came to be in four basic chapters in addition to the introduction , the conclusion. Where we tackled in chapter one the U.S. geostratigical of national security through two main inquiries , the first tackled the conceptual frame for geostratigy and its near concepts , in addition to the foundations of U.S.A national security. The 2nd inquiry we present the variables that effect the geostrategic of U.S.A national security . As for chapter two , it tackled the geostratigical dimensions for U.S.A national security toward Europe through two main inquires , the first treat the economical , political , and security dimensions in Europe , and in inquiry two showed the geostratigic competents in Europe . As for chapter three we tackled the goostratogical dimensions for U.S.A national security toward Asia and Africa through two main inquiries , and it treat the American awaring for the two regions and in chapter four we tackled the U.S.A national security and the building of the stratigical balances too through two main inquiries , the first tackled the argumental relation between U.S. national security and the international security and second inquiry came to clear the building of U.S.A. to its balances in Europe , Asia , Africa regions . It became clear through the study , the effect of 11th September in the dimensions of U.S.A national security its paths , references in a great way especially on the level of spatial and geographical dimension where it increase its momentum toward Europe, Asia, and Africa to conent forces that are seeking for regional control and compete U.S.A. for the important geostratigical areas . The thesis had reached the following inferences :
1- After 11 September 2001 the ensuring of the world against terrorism became the motto of U.S. security mission , where U.S.A. adopt the prevision war , and begin to present new concept for alliances and erecting military bases in the vital area to protect its interests , saying it is resisting its broad enemies which it take as reason to control the world and to become at the system of the world .
2- The interfering in the geostratigical areas to achieve its vital interests through reasons take the acceptance the appeal of the public opinion , which it used as motto for its interferences and that are resisting terrorism prevent the spreading of mass destruction weapons , speeding democracy , defending human rights the minorities who suffer oppression e.g. the interfering in the middle east area , African horn , the two Americas .
3- Showing the Iranian nuclear file as a source of threat for the stratigical balance in the middle east area to evoke the fears of neighboring states and help them in isolating Iran regionally .
4- Make Europe companion for it to help U.S. in achieving its global goals e.g. making France partner in the leading of the military operations in north Africa which was considered good chance for France to achieve its goals in the area .