الوقائية في الاستراتيجية الأمريكية بعد الحرب الباردة ( دراسة مقارنة )

: فلاح مبارك بردان الدليمي
الدكتور منعم صاحي العمار

The hegemony represent focal point in American strategic thought because it represent the basic purpose which strategic thought based on , eventually American strategy have changed in its doctrines and means from time to time according to basic strategic aim that represent strategic motivation to all American strategic foundations . Since the beginning of American foundations as a federal Independence the imperial dream and control still always in it perception . so it began in continental expansion on the original people to the continent of north America and after the world war II abandoned the on isolation policy , that depend by Monroe doctrine , beginning new period from expansion across Atlantic ocean and then universal . The united states of America have the all foundations of hegemony , like economic , military and technology with the existence of strategic thinking help in creation of chance and used it to enhanced ( strengthen ) American hegemony .The importance of study deals with American hegemony away from traditional context . this search focus on "the prominence of hegemony in American strategic thought '' and that is the head title to the search. So we divided this search to four chapters . the first chapter , deals with American strategic thought : theoretical - historical context , which include theoretical study to the concept of American strategic thought and the important point of building and changed in it and the major American strategic aims . while the chapter two concern with American hegemony , which include the concept of hegemony and the project of American hegemony and then analysis the concept of international system . However , the third chapter interested with American hegemonic strategy in the21st. century , which include the foundations of hegemony strategy and the American strategic performance means to enhance American hegemony .Finally , the fourth chapter , deals with the future of American hegemony which include the major powers which compete to the prominence of united states and then the potential options to the American strategic thought in related with the future of hegemony ز.