مكانة العراق في الاستراتيجية الأمريكية تجاه الخليج العربي (دراسة مستقبلية )

محمد وائل عبدالرحمن القيسي
الدكتور سرمد زكي الجادر

Since ancient times, Iraq has been given more interest by great nations on the international arena level as they were competing against others to gain a strategic position land in the world such as the Arabian Gulf region in general and as Iraq in particular. Thus, the collapse of the Soviet Union formed a good opportunity for the United States to dominate over the world, therefore, it began to choose sensitive areas around the globe, which will undoubtedly stretch its power out, in order to stay dominant over the world.
As so, Iraq was considered extremely important to achieve the American strategy in the Arabian Gulf through its new restructuring according to modern vision to make Iraq as a new alliance to the United States of America in the Gulf and to work on giving Iraq more care, based on its economical and strategic aspects, to present it as an ideal model for democracy in the area in order to push other countries to follow it. The other aim is to make Iraq supports the American policy as well as its plans and project, or at least not to refuse them, then to support Iraq to stand against the countries that resist the American policy i.e. that the United States wants to exploit Iraq, based on the importance of its particular, as well as the huge strategic oil storage it has. Therefore, the American management tries to make Iraq as the first station or the first step to start with changing the Arabian Gulf in order to transfer the region democratically on the political level and liberally on the economical one through the new model of Iraq in order to ensure the success for the American strategy as Iraq is considered a starting point for the States to continue its domination over the world. The study is divided into four main chapters:
The first chapter deals with the concept of the 'position' and some other terms which relate to it such as the role of the function, center, and domain. It explains the chronological development of American strategy as starting from the raise of American States up to the dominant stage and the American superiority. The second chapter tackles the importance of Iraq in the vision of American strategy i.e. the geopolitical, and economical importance as Iraq is considered having the second highest oil storage in the world after the KSA. Moreover, the importance of Iraq as a force parallel to Iran in the Arabian Gulf. The third chapter talks about the geo-strategic importance of the Arabian Gulf region as a whole because it an international passage as well as the huge fortune it has comparing with the other countries in the world. There is about 62% of the world oil storage in this region. In the fourth chapter the researcher gave his forecasting of Iraqi position in the American strategy towards the Arabian Gulf as well as the affecting factors on this position which are fallen in three levels; the inner, the regional, and the international, then to form two possible scenes for this position, the first is to raise the position of Iraq in the American strategy towards the Arabian Gulf. The second is to retreat this position. Based on the analysis political and economical status of Iraq, the researcher gave greater weight to the first scene as Iraq recently signed a security agreement with the United States through which the United States will start fixing its interests in Iraq through political democracy and the domination of American and English oil companies in the investment of the oil sector as well as changing the military ideology of the new Iraqi army reconstruct it to be fitted the American policy to the degree that make it view ' Israel' as not an enemy for the region. international passage as well as the huge fortune it has comparing with the other countries in the world. There is about 62% of the world oil storage in this region In the fourth chapter the researcher gave his forecasting of Iraqi position in the American strategy towards the Arabian Gulf as well as the affecting factors on this position which are fallen in three levels; the inner, the regional, and the international, then to form two possible scenes for this position, the first is to raise the position of Iraq in the American strategy towards the Arabian Gulf. The second is to retreat this position. Based on the analysis political and economical status of Iraq, the researcher gave greater weight to the first scene as Iraq recently signed a security agreement with the United States through which the United States will start fixing its interests in Iraq through political democracy and the domination of American and English oil companies in the investment of the oil sector as well as changing the military ideology of the new Iraqi army reconstruct it to be fitted the American policy to the degree that make it view ' Israel' as not an enemy for the region.