الحكم الصالح ومعوقات تطبيقه في الدول العربية دراسة حالة العراق

:نسرين علي عرب الداودي
الدكتور محمد علي حمود

Has improved the performance of governments and the establishment of good governance is an essential pillar of the development process of political, economic and social development of the countries are keen for the world to different to achieve advanced levels of development of political, economic and social order to achieve well-being of its citizen by improving the standard of leveling and the increase in the income of individuals and freedom from poverty and deprivation and to achieve stability political , social and equal treatment and freedom of choice and expression and provide opportunities to participate in the political process and governance is good and one of the must important mechanisms that ensure the achievement of these values for the benefit of communities and in his absence takes individuals any where institutions in the decision making and we are in case of bad governance, which is reflected by:
1- Rule that fails to clear and explicit separation between private interests and public interest, and between public and private funds tend permanently to or use of public resources for the benefit of private interest .
2- Of government That lacks the legal from work does not apply the concept of the rule of law, to be applicable discretionary and arbitrary laws , and the officials themselves exempt from the application of the laws 3- Provision, which has a large number of legal and procedural impediment to investment and push the projective activities of some profit-taking profit and speculation .
4- Which is characterized by the presence of government priorities inconsistent with development and pay abut the resource available in the waste and the misuse .
5- Governance which is characterized by the presence of a narrow base or closed and non-transparent information and decision making processes in general and policy development processes in particular .
6- Which is characterized by the presence of government corruption and the spread of its mechanisms and its culture , including values that tolerate corruption .
7- Finally, the government characterized the legitimacy of governance and shake the confidence of its citizens , which my lead to the spread of repression and confiscation of freedom and violating human rights and the rule of domination .
They were numerous and varied definitions given to concept of good governance, there are those who knew him as a government that promotes and support and protect human well-being is based on expanding the capabilities of human being and their choices and opportunities and freedom of economic ,social ,political ,especially for the poorest members of society and the marginalized and the definition adopted by the United Nations Development Program. There are those who knew him a way of exercising power in the management of economic and social resources of that state for development. This is in addition to the definitions, other than that we can give a more comprehensive definition of the concept through a known good governance as a mechanism for exercising the powers of political, economic, social conduct of the affairs of state and society to achieve development in all aspects of society. And various international institutions dealt with the study of good governance and offered the most important indicators to judge a political system in the state as a system of good governance or is it a corrupt government and in the forefront of these institution of the United Nations and the world bank and international Monetary fund, Transparency international, although the differences of these actors in the indicators of good governance was by virtue of their areas of work and concerns, but this did not prevent the existence of common indicators, including the one that was more acceptable, including political participation ,political stability , regulatory quality , rule of law, control of corruption , transparency and accountability . From here came the attempt in the examination of these indicators on the applied study in Arab countries and Iraq in particular has been shown to us through it that good governance in Arab countries is still in its early stages and that the ratios obtained by the Arab states are the rates low compared to counties of the world ,although for some such countries ,Arab Gulf on the percentage of accepted somewhat in some of the indicator was necessary for us to know the obstacles that hinder the application of good governance in these countries ,which included the domestic constraints of constraints of political ,economic ,social and culture as well as legal and external constraints of the pressure of international political and military pressures and economic pressures international As for Iraq, a case study although turnover that occurred in the form and content of the political system in which we find that rank very low in the indicators of good governance compared to other Arab countries were ranked last in general went to Iraq ,and that prompted to provide a detailed analytical study to determine the most important obstacles that prevent achieve good governance when marked by the political and administrative corruption ,week government institutions and personality power and overlap the work of government institutions and the low level of political culture of participation and inflation the stat's role in economic life and spread of unemployment and poverty ,and Iraq's foreign debt and the U.S occupation and violations of human rights .