مستقبل النظام السياسي في جمهورية ايران الأسلامية

حمد جاسم محمد الخزرجي
الدكنور خضر عباس عطوان

The Islamic Republic of Iran an important country at the regional and global level, because of their political system unique of its kind based on a religious basis (the theory of Wilayat al Faqih), in addition to the elections (Shura governance) , and enjoys a strategic location is important, in addition to have of natural materials ( oil and gas ) , make from Iran, a center of international competition. He was the enjoyment of Iran's political system since the revolution in Iran in 1979 to 1989 stable, especially after the control of the power of religious office, and personal charisma's (Ayatollah Khomeini) and the unanimity of the result of the conditions of war with Iraq 1980-1980. Then the other phase in the march of the Islamic Revolution and its political system after 1989 and that the end of the war and death Foundation of the Islamic Republic (Ayatollah Khomeini), as it appeared the first signs of the reformist movement in Iran, to rebuild the country and opening to the outside world to end the isolation of Iran's international . In spite of the possession of the Iranian political system of the potential and strength that enables them to survive, and meet the challenges both internal and external levels, but the lesson the ability of the political system to maintain the continuity and strength and steadfastness, so they have to deal through a policy of pragmatic needs and demands which manifestation of the domestic arena, it cannot be the system of marginalization classes opposition forever under the pretext that the internal conditions and regional and international organizations do not allow it, because of the threats faced by Iran, particularly the confrontation with the West over a nuclear program, terrorism and regional ambitions of Iran, as opposition client supported from abroad, as the continuation of the political system in this direction means that the response of the opposition do not reflect a full understanding of the right of thinking and opinions are free, not to give any legitimacy to the opposition does not consider their demands as the needs of a list of demands is necessary, and the presence of social transformations in segments of Iranian society, as the interest system lies in the reconciliation with the opposition - whether on the level of internal or external - and dealing with it through the formulas of compromise to ensure their needs and accommodate their demands, instead of being accused of collaboration with the outside, because the continuation of the reaction of the security services against the mean distortion of the image of Iran and the credibility of its political Islam, especially as Islamic thought and emphasizes the concept of the opposition in Islam, especially that there are structural factors in every political system far outweigh the demands of the vibrant popular, and their continued refusal to respond to weaken the political system in the long-term future . It said, that Iran is going to future challenges such as high population, high proportion of young people of the total population, in addition to external challenges, and that Iran cannot survive in conditions in which the Iranian revolution at the end of the seventies, when he was able to isolation, Today we live in an era of openness and globalization, and the world open, so that the era of the revolution now changed, and the political system to implement a series of reforms gradually, if he wants to maintain its status, instead of corrosion from the inside and the possibility of its collapse, and that system can find formulas compromise to appease and accommodate the political and social forces that do not want to collapse the political system, and seeks to change part, and must renew the structure of the state and its political system, and building a new national consensus on some controversial articles of the constitution, and institutions of governance and public policy of the State.