الوظيفة الاقليمية لتركيا بعد عام 2003

بلسم سعد عبد الستار العبيدي
الدكتور باقر جواد كاظم

Turkey played an I'm proton and an active role in regional policies .the nature of this role was due to the possibilities available for Turkey , in addition to it's political system and the type of it's leadership. The local and world changes had great effect on the nature of the Turkish policy especially towards the middle east , mid Asia, and crocuses . The Turkish regional policy can be divided into three stages.
1- The first stage this stage includes the cold war era. During this stage the regional policy Of turkey Was directed By the policy Of the U.S.A and western Countries in the area . turkey Was the wall which Prevented The advance Of socialism in the area >
The Second Stage :
This stage begins with the fall of the soviet union . turkey felt that it's Regional role has ended but actually that was not true , an New For turkey began to fill the vacuum created by the fall of the soviet union
The third stage :
This stage began with the occupation of Iraq in 2003 and is still continuing . despite the tensions in relations between U.S.A and turkey , turkey still has an important regional role Turkey, because it position on the map , was like a partition between the western and eastern worlds during the cold war period which prevented the soviet union from extending it,s influence to the middle east and western Europe the policy of Turkey then was based on its geographical position and its control of sea straits . the soviet union had then a great desire to have a military presence in the straits an extend it,s I dology into turkey all this made move towards the west and enter as a member of the north Atlantic treaty origination . Turkey tried to keep it,s regional importance in addition to it,s position in the NATO according to the American vision for the region Surrounding Turkey especially those areas which The U.S.A consider unsettled like the middle east or mid Asia and the cocuses which contains a lot of wealth and suffer from political unsettlement This study , therefore , confirms the great effect of internal and external changes on Turkish regional role especially on the middle east , mid Asia and the cocuses. The fall of the soviet union reduced the role of Turkey but the second and third gulf war's returned the role of Turkey as a basic country in the region . Turkey took part in the 2hd gulf war , but the wars made Turkey suffer a lot of damages especially in the economic field plus the Kurdish problem.
The U.S.A war on Iraq in 2003 and it,s occupation by the U.S.A had a great effect on Turkey . internally the Islamic party come into power and externally the relations with . The U.S.A had a big fall because Turkey refused to participate in that war the relations of Turkey with the states of the Arab gulf are old and multi – sided . through Iraq the economic rations with the region come in the first place , although Turkey always wanted to have some security arrangement with the region . As for the relation Of Turkey with Israel , it was the only Islamic country which had full diplomatic relations with it since 1949 but these relations were retarded after the coming to power in Turkey of the Islamic party ((Al adala wa Al tanmia )) especially after the ((gaza)) war . As regards the Turkish role towards Mid Asia and the cocuses , we note that Turkey presented it,s self as the ((big brother)) and tried to build high level relations with Iran and Russia . Turkey become an important path for transportation of oil and gas from states on the ((qazwin)) sea to the world markets , the U.S.A awaits from yurky to participate in security of the region and the spread of democracy and free market policy according to western standards because Turkey is a Turkey presents a democratic – secular example Turkey also tries to prevent Iran from having any influence on the Islamic states of the Turkish majority and introducing it,s type of Islam to these states.