الاستراتيجية العسكرية الامريكية وانعكاساتها حيال منطقة الخليج العربي بعد انتهاء الحرب الباردة المؤلف:احسان عدنان عبد الله العبيدي

احسان عدنان عبد الله العبيدي
الدكتور سرمد زكي شلال الجادر

Each movement of United States of America in different areas of world is usually related by the saying Support the security and the international stability in which the U.S finds the aim itself, especially in the areas of importance to U.S strategy ,that is, the vision of the importance of the U.S strategic area is integrated with the threat to the American perspective to result in direct American movement to face the threat or indirect movement by its allies. Thus, the achievement of this goal is important not only for achieving security and stability, but also for ensuring the stability of the American interests and protecting them and this trend is dominated along the period that follows World War II until the emergence of Twenty One Century. But the U.S strategy is changed as it starts dealing with the concept which is anticipated to be dominant ,namely, the democracy, U.S starts applying the strategy whose aim is to employ the democracy as an idea and instrument as an attempt to seize the chance for establishing the bases which support and strengthen the American interests in all directions and the U.S can undermine and end what it regards as failed state by using such a strategy. The formulation of the world of democracies in which freedom is dominated under law means understanding the role of force in inculcating the law and imposing the order for the revival of the democracy and freedom and then the concept of using the force universally is changed from the oppressive usage which results in killing millions through the previous experiences to the force that supports the order and accomplishes the justice and in this order a force that performs a process of controlling democratic forces secures the continuity of the democratic course and its development and the most important tasks of this force are as follows:
Manage the central force relation in the world in which its international balances and pyramidal, its directions, its formation and strengthen the national aspirations to enable the emergence of the more cooperative international system.
---Contain the conflicts, terminate terrorism and spreading of weapons of mass destruction ,strengthen the collective peace security in the areas that are scattered by the civil war which leads to the withdrawal of global violence instead of its own spreading.
---Deal more effectively with increasing of inequality in human conditions, conform to the new reality(the global growing conscience)and act as a joint response to the new environmental and ecological threats for the benefit of humankind.
Thus, the U.S attempts through a strategy which implies all the world to employ the idea of democracy and invest its outcomes that are harmonized with it, and achieve the American interests at first regarding it as the leading state and the unique power in the international system of the world today and the interests of its allies at second.
The employment of the idea of democracy opens a new strategic skyline for the U.S. U.S starts forming its allies in different areas of the world through the strategy of the employment of the idea of democracy and using soft forces, here one finds the interests are interwoven that create a joint will and a unified movement to the issues till the U.S becomes depending on the allies through an organized strategy that presents the political support and economic aids to achieve the joint goals and hence the security of allies is related to that of American interests and the threat that is directed to any ally is directed too to the American interests; therefore, the U.S commits to the security of those allies for preserving these interests while they are working in a way that serves the American interests ,and the most important goals of the American national security becomes repelling any aggression that may threat the U.S security and its allies and this can be happened by means of continuity of regional military balances to repel any force that tries to dominate the U.S interests or threats its allies. To achieve this aim, the U.S starts applying projects and the most important one in this field is the big Middle East and the democratic transition process in the Iraqi sample in addition to the encouragement of democratic transition ,supporting the transition operations through American institutions that are specialized in democratic transition ,formal institutions that are related to the American administration and informal institutions that work in the field of global civil society in addition to the employment of the international organization and institution under the American influence to participate in the operation of democracy and spreading of democracy globally. Thus, the claims of U.S in the last decades are changed from supporting the international security and stability to the spreading of democracy and the principles of human rights ,freedom ,justice and calling for the international equality by using all the subjective abilities and capabilities of the strategy through limited machineries to achieve the aims of this strategy regardless of the potential truth beyond those American claims ;the mentioned change points to the importance of the subject of the thesis.