Design of medical imaging system by using acousto-optic technique

Haedar Raad Hafuze
Dr.Hamed Mohmoud Amin
Dr.Auns Qusai Hashim

The effects of Acousto-optic technique in medical imaging of the biological tissues were studied in this thesis. Results of the theoretical and experimental investigations proved that the attenuation coefficients of different biological tissues were decreased by using the ultrasound wave with the laser radiation. Different wavelengths of incident lasers of (405 nm, 532 nm, 650 nm, 808 nm and 1064 nm) were used with two ultrasound frequencies of (1MHz and 3.3MHz). The experimental work is accomplished on a different tissue types of different organs as a (cow muscle, mouse tissue, rabbit tissue, live mouse, human teeth, human tissue in formalin and fresh chicken leg) the results showed that, the changes of ultrasound intensity enhance the laser penetration of the tissue. An optical scanning procedure was designed and implemented on the medical imaging of the fresh chicken leg (8 mm) thickness with and without ultrasound effect at same time to record the received laser intensities through the chicken leg. The results were tabled by using excel sheet and MATLAB (7.12) program to produce the 2-Dimentions laser intensity image.