Design analysis for the optical elements of solid-state laser range finder

Zeyad Tariq Al-Bakir,
Dr. Hassan H. Mohammed
Dr. Sabah M. Juma

Laser remote sensing has become a well-established technique that has been applied in many fields. In particular laser range finders are widely applied in non-contact measurement of distances. Thus, due to their importance, the optical systems associated with laser range finders have been investigated computationally in the present work using a new approach for their design with the aid of Zemax software. Optimization processes have been conducted to determine the most favourable optical properties and hence the design specifications of a beam expander and a beam compressor which both constitute the optical system of a laser range finder. The laser beam source associated with the suggested designs of the optical systems is that of the solid-state Nd:YAG (λ= 1.064 um) since the range finder is intended for operation in the near infrared region. Computations obtained by the Zemax.EE software have been shown that a spot of an optically desirable shape and of radius as small as 54.7 μm can be projected on the detector surface from quite a long distance. The results have been compared with those obtained with the aid of MATLAB program and excellent agreement has been found. The specifications of the optical systems that have been put forward in present investigation can be practically realized.