PC controller for optically guided platform

Zahraa Hummam Mohammed
Dr. Ziad Mohammed A.

In this work, a laser detection and tracking system is designed and controlled by computer interfacing. The designed system is used for detection and tracking the target in two-dimensions. The detection technique that is proposed in this work is based on converting the optical energy of the laser beam that falls on the detector into electrical signals by employing a quadrant detector type Si-PIN. The tracking technique is based on moving a mechanical platform unit in both directions (X & Y) by two stepper motors to detect the path of the laser spot. Then after detecting the laser spot a fine tuning will be carried out to track the laser spot that falls on the quadrant detector mounted on the platform. Software program, written in C++ language, will carry out all the controlling commands and manipulating of data as an input and output for decision making in the tracking process. The overall system and results showed an acceptable behavior for detection and tracking the laser target.