synthesis and characterization of some new Benzoxazin-2-one, Benzimidazole.Quinoxaline and Oxazole derivatives.

Rafeda Jamal Saken Al-Rawi
Dr.Amir T.Atto
Dr.Mohammed Ali Abdul-Munem


1. Ten α - Aminonitriles were prepared by Strecker modified procedure , by treatment of a primary amine (o- aminophenophenol) with ketones or aldehydes such as benzaldehyde 2-naphthaldehyde , benzoin . 9-anthraldehyde , furfural , 4- nitrobenzaldhyde piperonal. anisaldehydede, 4-aminoacetophenone and cyclopentanone). Then potassium cyanide was added in presence of glacial amino acid a solvent keeping the PH 3-4 The synthesized α- aminonitriles.were 2.Nine- characterized by CHN analysis . ir spectra . mass spectra and H -nmr. benzoxazin-2-one derivatives were prepared from treatment of α-aminonitriles with 10% sulfuric acid on a steam bath for four hours .Benzoxazin 2-one no compounds were identified by ir spectra , mass spectra and H-nmr for some of them. 3- Eight benzimidazole derivatives and two quinoxaline derivatives were formed from the reaction of (o- phenylenediamine) with aldehydes or ketones in the presence of glacial acetic acid as solvent . They were identified by CHN analysis, ir spectra and mass spectra for some of them 4- Four α aminoamide were prepared from partial (mild) (mild) hydrolysis of α -aminonitriles . Thev were identified bv CHN analysis and ir spectra . 5- Three oxazole derivatives were prepared from the reaction of α – aminoamide with p-bromophenancyl bromide . The structure of the synthesized oxazole derivatives were verieed by CHN analysis and ir spectra. An elementary biological study was carried out on most of the synthesized compounds during this work . This elementary study reveals that some of these compounds have potent biological activity.