Design and implementation of an expert database system.

Computer Science
Sura Sultan Al-Shawi
Dr. Ala'a Hussien Al-Hamami

This thesis characterize a new class of computer systems to be called " Expert Database Systems ". Generally speaking , an Expert Database System (EDS) involves a combination of DataBase Management System (DBMS) and Expert System (ES) technology . Today , the integration of ES and DBMS systems is an emerging research area that is expected to become one of the most important application development products. We have designed and implemented a Stock Control Expert Database System (SCEDS) by using FOXPRO2 database . An expert system has been used after the design of its knowledge base is completed . The two systems are linked together through using a keyword file . A friendly interface has been designed to receive user's interrogation . Due to the variations of computer user experries levels the SCEDS will deal with user's queries to eliminate the tautology , correct the keywords of the DBMS used , correct the names of relations and attributes , and connect the data items with their relation if it is necessary . The SCEDS system can be used generally by a number of different types of users when they are using a database system . SCEDS was implemented using Turbo prolog program language for (ES) on an IBM compatible under MS DOS (Version 6.2), and Foxpro2 database with its database relations.