Al-Nahrain University Has Got First Position in Colleges' Final Classes Award Project

Al-Nahrain Media:Dr.Mhuammed Akrem

The  Recognizable  achievements of Al-Nahrain  University   continues  on different  local ,regional and international  levels,  College of Engineering  of  Al-Nahrain University   has got  The First and Second positions  in Colleges'  Final  Classes Award  Project  (2017-2018):    

Designing  Ankle Pad from The Natural  Resources instead of  The Carbon by the student  Fatan Jamal  Shaker   and The Mechanical   Properties   and Analysis of  Walking  Round  Building  an Industrial Party  of  a Patient Whose leg Has Cut  by the student  Saif  Muhammed Abas Kareem  /Al-Nahrain   University /College  of  Engineering/The Parties and Industrial Pads.                                                                  

It  is mentioned  that    more than one hundred postgraduate researches  of the final classes of  the Iraqi colleges  have contributed  in  this competition. 

Translated  By

Asst.Prof.Aula  Abdul Ghaffour Muhammad  Salah