Design of a waviness measuring system for upper limb of human body based on laser technique

Marwa Jaafar Mukheef Kattab
Dr. Mohammed N. Latif

A waviness measuring system for human body by using laser scanning technique has been designed. The designed system consists of green laser pointer with power 50mW, surface of human body, digital vernier caliper model (stainless hardened), flat white screen, and finally digital camera interfaced withPC. The suggested system depends on the position of laser beam after reflected from human body region on a flat white screen and capturing reflection view using digital camera. The captured images are processed inside MATLAB program designed for processing entire images to evaluate actual reflection point. The final curve of surface tested can be plotted after scanning some points along a specific path on human body, also many paths can be tested to generate surface waviness of human body region. Two different regions of human body are fixed as a tested plant for proposed laser scanning system, first one is the small section of left hand and second one is the small section in left forearm. The nature for each selected tested region is different from other in (degree of flatness, number of convex and concave shapes and the degree of irregularities of the surface, etc.). Different visual pointed column are marked on the test surface in order to align the laser spot on a fixed point one by one to determine the position of the point fixed originally on test surface. Finally, the way of marking points in regular paths on the test surface and take it as a reference for scanning followed by much world work.