أ.د. هادي محمدعلي عبود /عميد كلية العلوم سابقاً





1.      Name:                        Dr Hadi Mohammad Ali Abood.                                              

2.      Qualifications:


1.      Ph.D., ( 1985)  Chemistry Department, University of Southampton, UK .          Titele of thesis:” Some Reactions and Solubilities in Molten Nitrates and Sulphates”.


2.      BSc. (1977).Chemistry Dept. ,College of Science , The University of Basra ,Iraq.  


3.      General Field:    Inorganic Chemistry.


4.      Specific Field:    Molten Salts Chemistry. And Ionic Liquids.


5.      Present InterestIONIC LIQUIDS. Synthetic and studies.


6.       Supervision of  Postgraduate Projects:


1.      Investigation of CO2 Gas capturing by Room Temperature ionic liquids,  Evon Akram Abd-Aljabar, Jun 2014,  Chemistry dept., University of Al-Nahrain, Baghdad, Iraq.


2.      Spectroscopic Investigation for some Transition Metal Salts in Ionic Liquids , Marwa hameed Fadhil,May 2013, Chemistry dept., University of Al-Nahrain, Baghdad, Iraq.


3.      Electronic Spectroscopy of some transition Metal Ion compounds in New Ionic Liquid , Zena  Natheer Ragab November 2012, chemistry dept., University of Al-Nahrain, Baghdad, Iraq.


4.      Electrochemical studies of Room Temperature Ionic Liquid of Choline chloride/ Tartaric Acid, Noor Jassim Al-Zaidy, September 2008, chemistry dept., University of Al-Nahrain, Baghdad, Iraq.


5.      Coordination of some transition metal ion complexes in Choline Chloride/Tartaric acid room temperature ionic liquid.Farah Awad Ahmed, September 2008, Chemistry dept. , University of Al-Nahrain, Baghdad, Iraq.


6.      Solubility and Coordination study of some transition metal oxides in new choline chloride/ tartaric acid ionic liquid. Farah Anwar Hassan, July 2008, chemistry dept. , University of Al-Nahrain ,Baghdad ,Iraq.


7.      Investigation of the D.C. electrical conductivities of PVC and PMMA composites with some ionic liquids at variable temperature. Rasha Mohamed Ali, July 2008, chemistry dept. , University of Al-Nahrain, Baghdad ,Iraq.


8.      Preparation and characterization of Molten Salts (Ionic Liquids based on sulfonate compounds., Ahad Diwan Sajet Al-Fatlawy., May 2008 , , chemistry dept. , University of Al-Nahrain ,Baghdad ,Iraq.


9.      Ultraviolet visible Investigation of some Transition Metal compounds in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids molten salts, Mariam Ali Saeed, May 2008, , chemistry dept. , University of Al-Nahrain ,Baghdad ,Iraq.


10.  The effect of temperature on ethyl centralite as stabilizer used in nitrogen compounds., Abdul Razzaq Bader, March 2004, Applied science dept., AlRasheed college of Endineering and science, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.


11.  مواصفات البطارية الحرارية. ايلول 2001, عباس عبد علي دريع الصالحي, قسم الكيمياء, كلية العلوم, جامعة بابل, العراق.


7.     Committee Activity.


1.      Member of delegate to Erbil Conference on the Development of Higher Education in Iraq.Jan. 2008 

2.      Member Of CIO committee. Ministry of science and technology. For one year    2004-2005.

3.      Member of organizing Committee of The Second National Conference of Chemistry, Babylon   2001.


8.      Management Courses and Training.


1.      Project Management.   For 2 weeks    2005.

2.      Leadership and Manager Management  For 3 months.    2002.

3.      General IT course.       For 2 weeks.   Jan.2003.

4.      Computer skill: Ms Windows, Microsoft office, excel, power point and programming in FORTRAN and in Basic.

5.      Fluent Arabic and English Languages Reading and writing.








9.     Teaching Experience At :


1.      Chemistry Department ,College of science ,University of Al-Nahrain.,   2005- present.

2.      Chemistry Department, Al-Rashid College, University of Technology, MSc Postgraduate courses(2003-2004).

3.      Chemistry Department, College of science, university of Babylon, MSc And PhD Postgraduate courses (1999-2002).

4.      Applied Science, Technical college, MoD.      (1997-2002).

5.      Chemistry Department, Education College, University of Basra, Undergraduate courses (1986_1988).



10.  Taught Chemistry Subjects:


1.      Structure and Bond Theories of Transition metal complexes. (Under Grad.)

2.      Electronic Spectroscopy of Transition metals. (Under Grad.)

3.      The chemistry of B-Block elements. ( under Grad.)

4.      The Chemistry of 3rd Transition metal s. (Under Grad.)

5.      Molten Salts Chemistry. (Post Grad.)

6.      Organometallic compounds. ( Post Grad.)

7.      Stability of Inorganic Compounds. (Post Grad.)

8.       Reaction mechanism and Reactivity of transition metal complexes. (Post Grad.)


11.                      Titles:

1.      Dean of the college of science             2014 

2.      Head of chemistry department         2013

  1. Assistance Professor                           2008
  2. Chief Researcher                                2004.
  3. Chief Chemists.                                   1991.
  4. Researcher                                           1988
  1. Lecturer.                                              1986.



12.                      Publications:


1.     سائل ايوني جديد حضر من املاح كبريتات الالمنيوم المائية والاسيتمايد اواليوريا، براءة اختراع مسجلة لدى الجهاز المركزي للتقييس والسيطرة النوعية، وزارة التخطيط، العراق، الرقم 3915 لسنة 2014 المحمية من تاريخ 24  -10-2011.


2.      FTIR study of carbon dioxide interaction with some room temperature ionic liquids , Hadi M.A.Abood and Evon Akram, Journal of Al-Nahrain University ,Accepted for publication , 2014


3.      Investigation of Lewis Acid-Base Reaction of Acidic Species Present in Aluminum Chloride-Urea Ionic Liquid [AlCl2.nUrea] + ,Hadi M. A. Abood* and Marwa H. Fadhil,  Journal of Al-Nahrain University ,Vol.17 (1), March, 2014, pp.71-75 .


4.      The Electronic Transition Behavior Cr (III), Fe (III), Fe (II) and Ni (II), Transition Metal Cations In Ammonium Alum-Urea Room Temperature Ionic Liquid,  Zena N. Al-Qudsi and Hadi M. A. Abood , Journal of Al-Nahrain University, Vol.16 (3), September, 2013, pp.46-55.


5.      Do all ionic liquids need organic cations? Characterisation of [AlCl2nAmide]+ AlCl4- and comparison with imidazolium based systems, Hadi M. A. Abood, Andrew P. Abbott, Andrew D. Ballantyne and Karl S. Ryder, Chem. Commun .,2011,47,3523–3525.


6.      Double layer , diluent and anode effects upon the electrodeposition of aluminium from chloroaluminate based ionic liquids., Andrew P. Abbott , Fulian Qiu , Hadi M.A. Abood , M. Rostom Ali  and Karl S. Ryder., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010;12(8):1862-72.


7.      New Ionic Liquids, Andrew P.Abbott and Hadi M.A. Abood, WIPO patent ,WO/2011/064556, 2011.


8.      Preparation and DSC of phase stabilized ammonium nitrate crystallized from its aqueous solution containing potassium fluoride. Hadi M. A. Abood,” Journal of Al-Nahrain University, vol.11 (2), August, 2008, pp.57-61.


9.      Study the Electrochemical System of Thermal Battery type-417, A. A. Drea, F. H. Hussein and HMA Abood, National Journal of Chemistry, 25, 79-101, 2007, Babylon University, Iraq.



10.  Composition Determination of the Electrochemical System for  Thermal Battery T-417, , A. A. Drea, F. H. Hussein and HMA Abood, National Journal of Chemistry,24,488-510,2006.Babylon University, Iraq.


11.  Preparation and characterization of magnesium thermal battery. A. A. Drea, and HMA Abood, National Journal of Chemistry, 13, 15-25, 2004, Babylon University, Iraq.


12.  Thermal stability and solubility of alkaline earth nitrates and chromates in nitrate melts. HMA Abood and DH Kerridge. Thermochimica acta, 215,183-188, Elsevier Science, 1993.


13.  The reaction of potassium iodide in nitrate eutectics. HMA Abood and DH Kerridge. Thermochimica acta, 198,297-302, Elsevier Science, 1992.


14.  Thermogravimetric studies of the catalytic activity of molten sulphate solutions and vanadium and niobium. HMA Abood and DH Kerridge. Thermochimica acta, 185, 35-49, Elsevier Science, 1991.


15.  Molten salt chemistry.  From academic study to industrial application.      Kerridge, D. H.; Shakir, W. A.; Zellipour, A.; Abood, H. M. A..    Chem. Dep.,  Univ. Southampton,  Southampton,  UK.    Yoyuen oyobi Koon Kagaku  (1991),  34(2),  151-72


16.  PhD Thesis, “Some Reactions and Solubilities in Molten Nitrates and Sulphates."HMA Abood - 1984 - University of Southampton.


13.                       Industrial Experience in:-


1.       Chemical Process Control and monitoring the  Sulfonation of alkyl benzene plant. by sulphur trioxide


2.      Process management of Powder detergent production plant.


3.      Process management of Saponification and soap production.


4.      Chemical plant process  control of burning sulphure for  sulfuric acid production  using V2O5 contact  catalyst.




