Simulation of plan position indicator using raster scan.

Computer Science
Mustafa Kheder Abbas Al-Attar
Dr. Loay A. George
Dr.Taha S. Bashaga


Radar provides information about remote objects such as ground range, bearing and elevation. The information provided by radar can be presented to the operator through many display systems. Plan Position Indicator (PPI) is one of the display svstems used to illustrate the bearing and ground range of targets. PPI display units are manufactured by many companies, so it becomes possible to plug these units into an actual radar system. Another set of companies manufactures special cards for personal computers that reads data from radar and simulates the PPI display on the computer's monitor. Other companies moved toward simulating PPI display on computers without the existence of an actual radar system for training purposes. In this study a PPI simulator is developed. Two prototypes were implemented for testing purposes. The implementation of these simulators took the advantage of the display adaptor capabilities. Display adaptors provide very fast drawing commands for both 2D and 3D scenes. The first prototype simulates the components of PPI display successfully. The second prototype is an upgrade for the first prototype It requires two computers for execution. One computer is used to simulate radar input. where it provides a virtual environment in which virtual targets move inside. Environment and targets information are used to simulate radar input. The simulated radar input is passed to the second computer via the network where the second computer simulates the PPI display. Such simulators suffered from speed problem. To avoid this problem, a third prototype was implemented. It also requires two computers to execute. The first computer (environment simulator) manages a virtual environment. specifies targets parameters, moves these targets, and provides a 3D representation for the virtual environment. The second computer receives data from environment simulator, and according to these data, it simulates the PPI display. The third prototype solves speed problem successfully. In addition to its features, a map generation application is implemented to generate radar maps from BMP or JPG images in order to provide the operator with a good tool for training purposes. It is possible for the third prototype to execute the PPI simulator without the existence of environment simulator. Environment simulator can also execute without the existence of the PPI simulator.