Design and analysis of an IR homing head for optical tracking

Noor Kussay Zahed Al-Ne'ami
Dr. Hassan H. Mohammed
Dr. Fa'iq J. Al-Azzawi,

The aim of the present work was to design and analysis the homing head system used for the optical tracking of the targets emitting infrared radiation,which forms the basic part to be used for detection, tracking, and guiding the missiles toward to an IR airial targets , that depends on the signal of the hot targets which is recorded in the range (3-5)um.The homing head is responsible for target position corresponding to the optical axis of the homing head system compared with the longitudinal axis of the missiles.(Zemax.EE) Program was used to design the optical systems of the homing head. The spot size diameter of about (40)um was obtained on the reticle sector mounted on the focal plane of the optical system, this value which is nearly approximate to the diffraction limit. Further important parameters such as Optical Transfer Function (OTF) of the optical system and energy distribution at the image point were determined also. Calculated results were compared with the program results with nearly observed coincidence between them.